[PRINTABLES] Visiting Teaching May 2016 in ENG, NLD, ESP

If you are always wondering why I am posting monthly printables for Visiting Teaching and would like to know what it actually is, you may read more about what is it over HERE and why I do so over HERE.


For the Month of May I decided to share President Thomas S. Monson’s inspiration on “choices”. You can read the full talk HERE.

He said, “I have been thinking recently about choices. It has been said that the door of history turns on small hinges, and so do people’s lives. The choices we make determine our destiny. When we left our premortal existence and entered mortality, we brought with us the gift of agency. Our goal is to obtain celestial glory, and the choices we make will, in large part, determine whether or not we reach our goal.” Furthermore, he continues by quoting the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, “The cat answers, “That depends where you want to go. If you do not know where you want to go, it doesn’t matter which path you take.”

This is wisdom that can be applied by all of us. Walking paths towards long term-even eternal-goals can be terribly challenging. However, no matter how difficult the path towards your destination is, it is definitely worth the effort as the best things in life most often don’t come easily.Therefore, living a life worthy of returning to the presence of our Heavenly Father is not an easy path to travel either.

Para el mes de mayo decidí compartir el mensaje del presidente Thomas S. Monson llamado “Decisiones”. Usted puede leer el discurso completo aquí.

El dijo: “He estado pensando recientemente acerca de las decisiones. Se ha dicho que la puerta de la historia gira sobre bisagras pequeñas, y así sucede con la vida de las personas. Las decisiones que tomamos determinan nuestro destino. Cuando salimos de nuestra existencia pre-mortal y entramos en la mortalidad, nos llevamos con nosotros el don del albedrío. nuestro objetivo es obtener la gloria celestial, y las decisiones que tomamos será, en gran parte, determinar si o no alcanzamos nuestro objetivo “. Por otra parte, continúa citando el gato de Cheshire de Alicia en el país de las maravillas, “El gato contesta:” Depende de dónde quiere ir. Si no sabe a dónde quiere ir, no importa qué camino sigas “.

Esta parte de historia puede ser aplicada por todos nosotros. Caminando los caminos que nos llevaran a alcanzar nuestras metas y objetivos eternos pueden ser terriblemente difícil. Sin embargo, no importa cuán difícil el camino hacia nuestro destino, definitivamente vale la pena el esfuerzo, ya que las mejores cosas en la vida más a menudo no vienen fácil.


This print fits on letter-size paper, looks marvelous on card stock or regular paper, and contains 2 handouts when cut along the lines.

Download the handouts by selecting the language of your choice:

I hope the month of May will be one of blessings for you and your loved-ones. Happy visiting teaching and see you next month again!

You are welcome to print or share this print as long as you credit the blog.